Schwierigkeit |
319 hm |
320 hm |
Tiefster Punkt | 1142 m |
Höchster Punkt | 1461 m |
2:37 h |
8,7 km |
HPB Viehhofen: Lengau & Glemm Valley

Quelle/Autor: Holiday Property Bond Walks

Foto: Holiday Property Bond Walks, Holiday Property Bond Walks
Die Tour
A lovely circular walk at a comparatively low level around the head of the Glemm Valley, all on good tracks and roadways. Use of the ‘Noddy’ train in the outward direction, to its upper terminus at the Lindlingalm, is an attractive variation, providing the shorter walk detailed above.
A lovely circular walk at a comparatively low level around the head of the Glemm Valley, all on good tracks and roadways. Use of the ‘Noddy’ train in the outward direction, to its upper terminus at the Lindlingalm, is an attractive variation, providing the shorter walk detailed above. Use of the train in both directions, starting and finishing the walk at the Lindlingalm, is another option.
Start up the road towards the Lindlingalm, either on foot or on the train, soon reaching a vehicle turning circle.
1. At the junction in a few metres go left, crossing a bridge over the river, signposted ‘Lindlingalm’. Continue along a minor surfaced road rising steadily through alpine pastures, with the R. Saalach below to the right. Go straight ahead as another roadway joins from the right (this is our return route) to reach the Lindlingalm, a sizeable hotel/restaurant in 200m. This is the top terminus of the train.
2. From Lindlingalm continue along an unsurfaced track between buildings. Go through a gate, soon rising gently, with an imaginative children’s play area to the left, based on a mountain stream. Pass a shrine on the right’ turn left to leave the track in a further 40m. Cross a narrow bright signposted, inter alia, ‘route 2’. Turn right at the end of the bridge to follow a narrow path through the trees for a short distance before rejoining the main track above a ford. At a signpost continue towards ‘Ossmannalm’ (30 minutes)’. Cross a small stream; there are now fine views of the head of the valley. Go through a gate ‘welcome to Saalalm’. Note the sculpture. Cross two streams on bridges and pass below (or divert to) Saalalm, above to the left.
3. As the roadway bends sharply left, to ascend to Saalalm, turn right on a lesser track, signposted ‘Ossmannalm’. Cross three streams on little bridges, the third gated, before rising across a meadow to Ossmannalm. Continue past the farm and a ‘Lindlingalm 1.5km’ (½ hour) signpost. At a junction on the far side of the farm bear right, downhill. Go through two gate/stiles, now descending more steeply through coniferous woodland, then along an open roadway to reach point 2 at Lindlingalm. Turn left to retrace the outward route for about 200m before bearing left at the major fork, signposted ‘Promenade 3 Hinterglemm’. A fine broad track descends gently along the top edge of woodland.
Go through a gate and cross a bridge over a tributary stream to reach the site of the R. Saalach. Go through a gate;
Lengau village is in view to the left, ahead. Rejoin the outward route above the vehicle turning circle. Turn left to return to the car park.
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